Friday, April 8, 2011

Wedding Day Hands

I recently photographed a wedding with my sister in law, Leah.  It was a great day and a very fun family to photograph.  Leah had a great time whooping and hollering for them.  The kids loved it!  And when the kids are having fun, it’s easier for the adults to have fun too.  This family had a lot of character and it made for a lot of fun photos.  It’s going to take several posts to cover their wedding day and their carnival themes reception.

While Leah was up close getting the family to pose, I stood off with my 70-200mm and tried to get different angles and details.  Here are some of my favorite photos of hands from the day.





Then there was the bride’s little boy who was sick and had an ear infection.  I felt sorry for him and them that day, but he seemed to be bright eyed and bushy tailed by the next day at the reception.  Here are some with him from the wedding day.



One more favorite with one of the cousins that was sitting off by himself holding the balloons they had brought (to keep with the carnival theme).


1 comment:

Leah said...

Great details! It was so fun to have you there! And I am covetous of your 70-200!! I need one!