Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Missing Out on Sunrises

Every time I see a sunrise or sunset, I kick myself in the teeth if I don’t have my camera with me.  I’m learning that if there are clouds out it is going to be even more spectacular.  This morning I biked over to Discovery park so I could get some sort of a view.  That’s another thing I don’t like about sunrise and sunset.  If I’m at home or in a neighborhood running, I can’t see a horizon line.  Someday, I’ll build a crows nest that gets me up above all the houses and let’s me have the mountains as my horizon line.  This morning I decided to take some shots that would allow me to play around with the panorama stitch tool in Photoshop.  Here is my favorite panorama shot I stitched together.


And here are some single shots I just thought were awesome.  I love the colors.



I can’t wait to get my screens calibrated.  Right now, colors look different on every screen I own.  Once I get calibrated and do some test print with a print shop, I’ll feel much more comfortable adjusting the colors for my pictures.  I just finished some training on digital cameras explaining how it captures colors  saturation separate from hues and illumination.  I don’t want to worry about dialing in the white balance every time I take a photo, and we know I’m still learning to get things exposed optimally.  I guess I’ll just adjust and fit into a groove as I grow.


Kami said...

Sooo pretty!! Although, I wish you would stop kicking yourself in the teeth.

Ginny said...

Oh my goodness, these pictures are beautiful. There is nothing like a desert sunset!

Jeff said...

Thanks. At least I know a good dentist or two.

elizadavis said...

I love Arizona sunsets! Good pics!