Friday, August 13, 2010

Depth of Field with lights

OK, still learning about depth of field (the distance that objects will be in decent focus).  I took the following shots in order to test out and understand “Depth of Field” more.  By adjusting the aperture to smaller sizes the depth of field increases… if I leave everything else the same.  In the pictures below I only changed the aperture and you can see that as the f-stop gets higher, more light bulbs are in focus.  The higher the f-stop, the smaller the aperture or size of the hole that lets light in.  The f-stops are defined by the reciprocal or 1 over that number.  So f/18 (or 1/18) is a smaller hole than f/5.6 (or 1/5.6), and it lets light in if you use the same shutter speed.  The f/18 picture below is darker and sharper than the f/5.6 picture.

DPP_02438    f/5.6   1/125   ISO 100
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF-S 55-250mm f/4.5-5.6 IS’ at a 250mm FL from 3.1m away

DPP_02435f/18   1/125   ISO 100
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF-S 55-250mm f/4.5-5.6 IS’ at a 250mm FL from 3.1m away

1 comment:

Christi said...

You know all that technical talk is mumbo jumbo to me, but I love the pics! We need some lights like these in our back yard!