Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long Exposures

So, I’ve had my camera for almost a month now, and I’ve taken almost 4000 pictures.  I can’t seem to put it down and I’m really enjoying the learning process.  I still don’t have the extra long lenses I want for wildlife photography when I go hunting with my brothers.  It will take too long to save up my quarters, and there is a hunt coming up in October.  So, I’m going to have to find some odd jobs to raise the funds I need.  Or it looks like I could also rent a lens.  That may be the better route anyways so that I can give it a try before I buy.

During the last month, I’ve played around with long exposures.  I’ve learned that I definitely need a better tripod.  Many times I couldn’t get a steady shot over several seconds because of the wind.  I’ve been using a cheap, light, old video camera tripod I have.  To help solve that problem, I’ve just ordered a new tripod that weighs more and I can also weigh it down with my pack by hanging from a hook.  This should help keep my shots more steady in the wind.  It’s also tall enough so that I don’t have to stoop over any more to look through the view finder.  I’ve learned that it helps to put my camera in live mode so that the shutter opening and closing does not shake the camera as much.  So far, I’ve been using the 2 second timer to avoid bumping it, but I’ve also ordered a cheap timer remote to use for this.  It will also let me do some time lapse photography.  That will be fun and cool!  I’ve seen some awesome videos of the stars moving in time lapse.  I’m always stunned by the number of stars out there when I go hunting with my brothers in the boonies.  This will be the perfect tool.

DPP_02554 f/22   10   ISO 3200
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF-S 55-250mm f/4.5-5.6 IS’ at a 55mm FL

DPP_02555f/4.5   30   ISO 10
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS’ at a 35mm FL

I tried, without much success, to capture lightning.  I got some, but nothing worth showing.  Next time I need to get out away from the city.  All of the ambient light from the city lights limits my exposure time and quickly lights up the sky in my pictures.  I never was able to get the focus quite right either.  I only spent about an hour trying though.  I am anxious to try again since it is the season in Arizona and the are so many awesome lightning pictures I’ve seen.  I’ll have to looks for some lightning tips before I go out again.  Next time I’ll post some of the sunsets I’ve gotten so far.

1 comment:

Christi said...

Let's go to the mountains again for some good stars!