Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rebecca and Kaitlyn at the Park

Sorry to post twice in a row, but Christi is at book club and I’ve got to post when I can post so that I can spend more time out taking the pictures.  I love my girls.  They are so excited to having me learning about photography.  Christi and I have made a tentative schedule so that I can spend Tuesday and Thursday night as well as some time on Saturday doing photography.  It’s a great time to practice with my kids and their friends.  I recently took Rebecca and her friend Kaitlyn over to Discovery Park for a photo shoot.  Unfortunately, Savannah has synchro on Tuesday and Thursday and she seems to be just bursting at the seams to get out and do the same with one of her friends.  We’ll have to dedicate a this Saturday to her if we can.  I think Rebecca and Kaitlyn had lots of fun at the park and I learned a lot.  In particular I’m learning that I need to meter differently or better some how.  I’m not sure if it would be better to get a grey target or something to meter off of.  Hopefully, I’ll just get better with practice at knowing if I need to compensate a bit so I don’t have to do it later in Lightroom.  I also can’t wait until I can know to how to pose people better for the light.  During our shoot at the park, I spent a lot of time moving around and adjusting.  Just trying to get their faces lit up to my liking.  It will save so much time in the future once I have a better idea of how to set up from the start.  Thanks Rebecca and Kaitlyn for your patience with me while I used you as my smiling guinea pigs.  Here is some of the results:













Christi said...

They turned out so great! How fun for our girls to have gorgeous pictures of themselves.

elizadavis said...

Rebecca is growing up fast! I like the 4th one best with the stairs climbing up in the bakground.