Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Weekend Away

Last weekend Christi and went to the cabin on Mt. Graham for a get away.  Woohoo!  We love our kids, but we left them with a sitter and took off for two days of just us.  We had a great time hiking, four wheeling, sleeping in til past ten, reading books, and talking.  The best part was having time to focus exclusively on each other.  Of course, that was the worst part too.  Because when we got back home and started our regular duties it felt like it used to when we were dating and couldn’t be together.  Like the times when we had to go to class or go home to get some sleep.  It’s that ache in my stomach when I was stuck at BYU finding our first apartment while while she was in Tucson finishing the details for our wedding.  I’m glad I have last weekend though to help put it all into perspective and remember how happy I am when focused on Christi.  Life is busy, but hopefully writing this down will help me take more of those wild and crazy home with six kids moments and remember how I started it all with her.

Here are a couple of pictures from our trip:




Christi said...

Ahhh... it was lovely, wasn't it?

Kami said...

Aww! This post almost brought a tear to my eye Jeff! None of that!