Friday, September 24, 2010

Birds in the Backyard

One advantage to having a ton of trees is that we also get a lot of birds.  Here is a dove that was repeatedly going off for more twigs to build a nest.


Here is a sparrow that was posing like an eagle.  I figured out after this shot that the CPL filter is not the best thing to have on when capturing birds.


I’m not sure what kind of birds these are.  Does anyone know?  I thought this was a cool one of his ruffled feathers.



Then there are the hummingbirds.  When I was out taking pictures of this one, there were 3 different humming birds flying around chasing each other.


I love having a backyard with a lot of birds.  As long as they don’t eat the chicken food.

1 comment:

Christi said...

But they DO eat the chicken food! I'm glad you've captured them. I love all the living things in our yard!