Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spring Chickens in the Fall

We have some new arrivals at our house?  Christi and I were talking yesterday about how cute baby chicks are.  We both agreed that they are still cute when the grow up too.  Somehow they don’t lose as much of their “smile factor” as they grow up compared to other animals.  We still get a big kick out of it every time we see one of our chickens running across the yard.  Something about the way that chickens and ducks walk and run is just plain amusing, and seeing them out in our yard wandering around is grounding.  Hopefully we can hold on to these ones a bit longer than the last clutch.

_MG_0915f/1.8   1/60   ISO 160
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF 50mm f/1.8 II’

_MG_0922f/1.8   1/60   ISO 125
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF 50mm f/1.8 II’

_MG_0928f/1.8   1/60   ISO 100
Canon EOS 7D with ‘EF 50mm f/1.8 II’

Just a quick note on my gear.  As I’ve been editing portraits, I’ve been more up close with the colors and noise in my pictures.  I’m using a Canon 7D and I’ve noticed that noise started to creep in noticeably even at ISO 400.  Get over ISO 800 and it becomes almost unbearable for me when I’m working up close on skin and eyes.  I originally bought the 7D liking the 1.6x multiply (bigger zoom) of the APS-C frame because I’m using it for wildlife photography too.  But since I’m doing more portraiture, I think my next investment will be the full frame sensored Canon 5D Mark III (When it comes out) instead of faster glass.  From what I’ve heard, you get much better color saturation and less noise at higher ISOs than with the smaller sensors.  Lucky for me, I have time since it will take me a while to save up for the new camera anyways.  For now I’ll continue learning to use what I have.


{Savannah} said...

they are so cute! nice pictures, too

Chris and Deb said...

Great pictures! Did your kids have fun taking these with you? I love the little hand in between all those chicks.

Jeff said...

The kids almost always love taking pictures. They are great supporters. You should check out Savannah's blog too. She's a great photographer.